إنه عصر VUCA: التقلبات وعدم اليقين والتعقيد والغموض تلوح في الأفق على الجميع. التغيير سريع جدا ، بحيث يتم تفجير أولئك الذين ليسوا مقامين للمستقبل.
انضم إلينا في استكشاف الطريق إلى المرونة التنظيمية ، وتحقيق البقاء على قيد الحياة في عصر الانكماش السريع والعنيف.
قابل مجموعتنا من المتحدثين الدوليين المشهورين عالميا ومؤسسي المفاهيم في استراتيجية الأعمال والابتكار لمناقشة كيف يمكنك “إعادة تأسيس” مؤسستك ، من أجل عمل مزدهر لا يقهر يخلق “السحر” كل يوم.
Inventor of the Business Model Canvas, Bestselling Author #4 Thinkers50,Founder & CEO of Strategyzer,
Founder of Bain Consulting, Texas Office
Former Chairman & CEO, Best Buy; Senior Lecturer, Harvard Business School; Author, The Heart of Business
PhD | MBA, has worked very intensively in recent years on the mindset that enables us to solve different types of problems. Michael is a best-selling author, award-winning design thinking and business ecosystem design thought leader, business entrepreneur, and visiting professor at various universities globally. His ideas, books, and company, Lewrick & Company, help mobilize people around the world to better lead innovation, digital transformation, and business growth in an era of increasingly rapid change. He is the author of the international best-sellers Design Thinking Series, including titles like, Design Thinking and Innovation Metrics, Design Thinking for Business Growth, The Design Thinking Toolbox, and The Design Thinking Playbook, in which he describes the mindful transformation of people, teams, ecosystems, and organizations. He works intensively with universities and companies, and places the self-efficacy of people in personal and organizational change projects at the center of his activities. As an internationally recognized expert in the field of digital transformation and the management of innovation, Michael has helped numerous companies to develop and scale growth strategies.
Co-Chairman Living Tomorrow, Founder TomorrowLab / Group Managing Partner, Author of the book Why Innovation Fails.