Essential Strategies To Get Your Team Ai-Ready: 3 Key Insights

As the embrace of generative AI continues to reshape the corporate landscape, it’s clear that having a workforce fluent in AI isn’t just advantageous—it’s imperative. I’m Eric Siegel, a former Columbia University professor and a pioneer in AI application, and I’m here to guide you through essential strategies to prepare your organization for the AI revolution.

Editor’s Note: To further support local leaders, our 2024 workshops will focus on enhancing AI and Machine Learning capabilities. Join me on May 28 for a session on ‘The Organization of the Future’ to confidently navigate new technologies and master AI deployment—a must for every business leader.

The urgency of AI integration in business is undeniable. During discussions at any Directors Forum, experts like myself are inundated with queries about AI—the moment we step onstage, signaling the critical relevance of AI in today’s business strategies.

Three Critical Strategies for AI Preparedness in Organizations:

Foster Critical Thinking:

In today’s AI-driven world, discernment is crucial. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish real from synthetic, and the ability to evaluate AI outputs critically is more important than ever. “AI systems might ‘hallucinate’, presenting fabricated outputs as facts, which can mislead unwary users,” I often explain. Thus, promoting broad knowledge and critical thinking—skills often honed through liberal arts education—among your staff is vital.

Proactive AI Training:

At companies like Avanade, generative AI training programs have been launched to familiarize employees with AI tools, allowing them to reimagine their roles. These initiatives are not mandatory but are highly encouraged to spur engagement and innovation. “The enthusiastic employee uptake of these programs underscores their value—they are seen as crucial tools for professional development,” I’ve observed based on extensive feedback.

Cultivate Responsible AI Leadership:

Responsible AI governance starts at the top. It involves ensuring that AI strategies align with the company’s ethical standards and core values, promoting a culture of continuous learning, and preparing leadership to effectively oversee AI implementations. “AI is pervasive and its implications profound; it intersects with all aspects of business operations, requiring informed and conscientious leadership,” I emphasize in sessions.


As we continue to explore the potential and pitfalls of AI, it’s clear that preparing your team for AI is not just about technology—it’s about shaping a knowledgeable, ethically aware, and adaptable workforce. Join the conversation and lead your organization into a future where AI is not only understood but also integrated with wisdom and foresight.

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